Monday, December 9, 2013

Less Yum, More OM

Don't let holiday stress drive you to that plate of cookies. Try some yoga instead.

Less Yum, More OM

Don't let holiday stress drive you to that plate of cookies. Try some yoga instead.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Subluxations block the nerve flow between brain...

Subluxations block the nerve flow between brain...

You can have a subluxation and not feel it, but your body's functions will be affected. Chiropractors detect and correct subluxations with a chiropractic adjustment.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Yet Another Reason to Have Regular Adjustments

Yet Another Reason to Have Regular Adjustments

Not only does a properly aligned spine allow the nervous system to function at its optimal level, it also improves our basic structural strength and integrity! When was the last time you were adjusted?

Friday, November 22, 2013

First Stop - Your Chiropractor!

If you have been suffering and haven't yet contacted a chiropractor, now is the time!

First Stop - Your Chiropractor!

The less invasive therapy is ALWAYS the best! If you have been suffering and haven't yet contacted a chiropractor, now is the time! Statistic detailed here:

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

The Original Network

The Original Network

People seem to “get” and readily accept cell phones, computers, networking, and all forms of technological communication. It's time to rediscover a sense of wonder and amazement about the original network - the nervous system. It's truly astounding!

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Cold & Flu "Season" is Here.

Chiropractic has been shown to Boost your Immune System by 48%

Cold & Flu "Season" is Here.

In a study performed at the Sid E. Williams Research Center of Life Chiropractic University. The researchers took a group of HIV positive patients and adjusted them over a six-month period. What they found was that the “patients that were adjusted had an increase of forty-eight percent (48%) in the CD4 cells (an important immune system component).” These measurements were taken at the patients' independent medical center, where they were under medical supervision for the condition. The control group (the patients that were not adjusted) did not demonstrate this dramatic increase in immune function, but actually experienced a 7.96% decrease in CD4 cell counts over the same period. When we read the results of that study we were...Read More

Friday, November 15, 2013

Have you more faith?

Your body is a self-healing, self-regulating organism that needs no help, just no interference.

Have you more faith?

Your body is a self-healing, self-regulating organism that needs no help, just no interference.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Chiropractic and Heart Health

Did you know that chiropractic adjustments can help with blood pressure? Read more:

Chiropractic and Heart Health

Did you know that chiropractic adjustments can help with blood pressure? Read more:

Try Chiropractic!


Try Chiropractic!


One leg shorter than the other?

One leg shorter than the other?

Have you ever been told that you have one leg shorter than the other? I know many people have, but you may not realize that the VAST majority of leg length issues come from a tilted or rotated pelvis. The few “actual” leg length issues happen when someone has an old knee injury, a ‘healed’ broken bone, a surgical procedure (like a knee or hip replacement) or another trauma to their leg. And most people know exactly when that happened so it’s no surprise. So if the majority of imbalance is coming from the pelvis why are we so quick to throw a heal lift in someone’s shoe and say, “You’re all fixed up”? I think because it’s quick and easy. The problem with ‘quick and...Read More

Goal of Chiropractic

Oh the limitless possibilities when your nerve system is free of interference!

Goal of Chiropractic

Oh the limitless possibilities when your nerve system is free of interference!

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Taste The Rainbow

Be sure to eat your greens, and oranges, and reds, and purples, and whites. Include a wide variety of vegetables in your diet.

Taste The Rainbow

Be sure to eat your greens, and oranges, and reds, and purples, and whites. Include a wide variety of vegetables in your diet.

Monday, August 5, 2013

"General Nutritional Requirements for Distance Running"

On Saturday August 3rd, Dr. James Lander presented a health talk to  Snail’sPace Running Academy at YorbaRegional Park. Dr. James discussed some general nutritional requirements for distance running.

In case you missed the health talk – here is a recap:
·      Let’s look at iron.
o   Iron is essential for red blood cell production. Red blood cells are vital for carrying oxygen to your tissues, including your muscles. With deficiencies in iron, one is prone to anemia and that means fatigue, slow recovery, and reduced capacity for exercise performance.
o   Interestingly, if you are a heel striker this means your body sustains an increased load as you run and your body weight is transferred through your heel. To contrast, if you have ever run barefoot, notice how much lighter on your feet you are and how naturally you body won’t let you pound all that weight through your heels. Conversely, you land on your mid and forefoot without even thinking about it. In heel strike running, the force that is transferred when one heel strikes is so great that it causes excess stress on red blood cells, an may lead to a decreased lifespan of the blood cells. Another important note regarding iron is that the more miles you run, the more accumulative stress on those red blood cells. Research has shown that running over 25 miles a week increases one’s chances of anemia.
o   So how should one supplement their diet to optimize the oxygen carrying capacity of red blood cells? Great sources include spinach, kale and beets. Add these into your diet and soon you will find your energy, endurance, and aerobic capacity enhanced for your next race.
·      Anti-inflammatories:
o   These are also an essential part of the endurance athlete’s diet. On a large scale, many see inflammation as that swollen ankle or knee after it is been twisted or injured. Inflammation is also going on throughout the body, even without that single large traumatic event. With every bout of exercise, there is microtrauma and resultant inflammation within our body tissues. We should strive to combat this with our diets!
o   Before we get to a couple of dietary sources, lets get a little more specific. There are essential fatty acids (essential because our body does not make them and we must get them from out diet).
o   We generally get lots of omega-6 fatty acids from our diets and much fewer omega-3’s. The problem is, the omega-3’s are the ones that have an anti-inflammatory effect and suppress inflammation. How do you know if you have too few omega-3’s? Some common signs include dry hair, dry mouth, dry skin, and frequent urination.
o   Regardless if you have any of these signs, as a runner or athlete of any kind, it is essential to be proactive! That means, optimizing your diet to combat the wear and tear of training. Good anti-inflammatory foods include chia seeds, almonds, walnuts, and cold water fish, such as salmon. There are also great herbs that can be used to season your food that can further contribute the reducing inflammation. One of our favorites is turmeric. Why is turmeric our favorite? Not only does it elevate the flavor of many foods but research has shown that it outperforms even pharmaceutical drugs in it’s ability to combat chronic disease without side effects. The anti-inflammatory properties of Turmeric have been shown to be preventative against Alzheimer’s disease, arthritis, and cancer.

With this brief nutritional overview, we hope you can start to implement a little bit of proactive nutrition into your diet to help fuel your training, promote fast recovery, and power you to your running goals.

For more information or to make an appointment - please visit our website: LanderChiropractic.Com

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Last week in our Facebook page we posted things to do and received such a positive response – we decided to make an actual blog post about it in order to provide additional information. So here is the thing, in our humble opinion, weekends should be about relaxing, spending time with the family and loved ones, and hopefully not working. However, sometimes going out involves planning. In an effort to take the stress out of planning or looking for something to do this weekend – we have come up with 7 things to do in Orange County this weekend.
1.     Orange County Fair – the annual fair is back on. It is open Wednesdays through Saturdays – fun for all ages. Located in Costa Mesa. Activities include rides, petting zoos, exhibits – but most of all it is a chance to turn off the television, get out of the house, and spend some quality time with family, friends, and loved ones – and if you just so happen to go on some fun rides in between even better.
2.     Pageant of the Masters – Laguna Beach. This is a 90 minute stage show that consists of “living pictures”.  What are living pictures you may ask? I know we did! Living pictures are created by real people, like you and me, posing to look exactly like original paintings. A live narrator explaining what we are seeing and there is also an orchestra. The show is held at an outdoor amphitheater. The show runs from July 7-August 31, 2013  nightly at 8:30 pm.
3.     Cypress Community Festival – Saturday July 27, 2013. This event is one of the largest one day festivals and consists of races, food (including a pancake breakfast and chili cook off), games, rides and best of all it is FREE! That is correct – no charge for entrance (please note games and food are not free).
4.     Cardio Hike – Saturday July 27, 2013 from 7:30 to 11:00 am – meeting at the Orchard Hills Trailhead. This is a 10 mile hike – not a beginner’s hike (includes over 3000 feet of elevation, descents, and steep climbs). If you choose to participate – the trail includes views of Irvine, the ocean, and Catalina (weather permitting). Participants that are under prepared may be denied access and this activity requires prior registration at - Please bring plenty of water and appropriate shoes.
5.     For those of us on a budget – why not go to the Dollar Theater? 1.50 for matinees and 2.00 for evening seats. Starplex Movies 7 in La Mirada or Starplex Woodbrige Movies 5 in Irvine.
6.     Library – I know that in this new age of Kindle, e-readers, and … reading an actual book is slowly becoming a forgotten art – but don’t forget the library is at your disposal. Thousands of books – waiting to be read. Take the family on a field trip to the library -pick up a book, go to the park or beach for a picnic – then take your mind on an adventure this weekend.

7.     As many of you know – we are total dog lovers – therefore, no weekend events would be complete without adding something for the pups. Take your dog to the beach! Huntington dog beach has free poopie bags (in case you forget) and there is also San Onofre State beach (ooops, must bring your own poopie bags for this one) – trails 1& 6 only for the pups.
There you have it. These are some suggestions for things to do during the weekend. The main thing is that you take some time for yourself. Go for a run, get a work out in, catch up on some much needed rest – just take care of YOURSELF!
Don’t forget - if you want to get a jumpstart on your week, stop by Lander Chiropractic – for an adjustment! Walk-ins are always welcome.
Stay tuned next week when we discuss ---- nope not going to tell you what we will be discussing. You will just have to come back and check us out.
Be Well, Be Healthy, Be Happy!
Dr. James & Dr. Anastasia Lander